The digital newsletter that we share with our contacts summarizes the impact of the work carried out periodically every year or six months.
Integral technical training for women in northern Nicaragua
Amanda Centeno, Helen Shears,
Fátima Medina
Featured in:
Terra education III – Francia
Presented by:
Andreea Dani
Year: 2018
Technical training for earth building in northern Nicaragua
Fátima Sánchez Medina, Kathya Reyes Rivera, Julieth Gutiérrez Cárcamo
Featured at:
18 SIACOT – Guatemala
Presented by: The Authors
Publication: Page 628
Year: 2018
Participatory earth muralism at the Women’s Technical Training School, Condega, Nicaragua
Fátima Sánchez Medina, Kathya Reyes Rivera, Julieth Gutiérrez Cárcamo
Featured at: 19 SIACOT – Guatemala
Presented by: Fátima Medina
Publication: Page 836
Year: 2019
The rooster and the grain of corn
Produced by Karen Livesey in the year 2000. During 21 minutes, women from Condega and foreign brigade members recount the experience of building houses for and by women, in response to the losses suffered during Hurricane Mitch as it passed through Nicaragua in October 1998. Amanda Centeno, Nery González, Annette Williams, Helen Shears, Sue Clarke, Juliana Bethlen and Rosaura Castellón are the voice of the women’s team that managed to turn a crisis into an opportunity.
Walking towards autonomy
Prepared in 2015 by the AMCC team, over a 20-minute period, it addresses the incidents in the personal lives of four women: Nery, Fernanda, Diana and Junieth, who carried out technical and / or sexual and reproductive rights training processes and share their stories. The video partly reflects the work and the impact of the different programs on the lives of these women.
AMCC Natural Construction Course Experiences 2018
Produced by Katt Shifller (student and course volunteer) in 2018. In 6 minutes, she briefly shares the experience of 5 young women who participated in the course as monitors (accompanying the teaching role) or as students: Yasmila, Keylin, Julieth, Kathya and Madga, show the impact of the training process on their lives as architects, engineers and technicians in the field of self-construction with sustainable materials.
They gave me wings
Prepared in 2020 by the AMCC team with funds from Pamplona City Council and the British Council (UK), under the direction, editing and production of Kathy Sevilla Z. During 16 minutes the sisters Julieth and Darling Gutiérrez Cárcamo, graduates in AMCC and actually facilitators of earth building workshops, tell their stories. They identify in their personal development the importance of support from their family, recognizing themselves as leaders and references in their community.